

How to Combat the Effects of Sun Damage to the Skin

If you’re like so many other people, you enjoy the warmth of the sun and being outdoors, especially during the summer, but for all the good the sun can do for your mood and energy levels, it can also be incredibly tough on your skin. Sun damage is one of those things that can sneak up on you. A sunburn here and there may not seem like a big deal at the moment it happens, but over time, the damage accumulates, and eventually, it will be made evident on your skin.

Sun damage can appear as dark spots on the face as well as uneven skin tone. It can speed up the creation of fine lines, wrinkles, and spider veins and can even cause even sagging skin. If this sounds familiar and you’re looking for ways to combat the effects of sun damage, you’re going to want to read on.

Topicals Can Help with Mild Sun Damage

If you have mild sun damage or only a couple of spots, then you may be able to use topical gels and creams to address the issue. These are typically used daily and can take a while to fade dark spots, even out the skin tone and help to smooth the skin. You’ll need to be patient during this time, follow the instructions of the topical carefully and avoid any additional sun damage.

Some of the most effective topical gels and creams include chemical exfoliants, vitamin C, retinoids and even lightening creams such as hydroquinone. Results will vary based on the extent of the sun damage, the topical agent used and how well your skin responds to it.

Laser Treatment Can Offer Targeted and Impressive Results

For those with more moderate to severe sun damage, topicals won’t be able to address the issue. You’ll need something more effective, like laser treatment. Laser treatment works to destroy the damaged skin cell, which then stimulates that cell to repair itself. It can be targeted to very specific areas and spots so that you get much more noticeable results. Laser treatment is ideal for reducing wrinkles, lines, and dark spots/hyperpigmentation.

Prevention Is Key

While there are steps and treatments you can pursue to combat the effects of sun damage, the very best advice is to prevent it from occurring. At the very least, these preventative tips can slow down and lessen the damage that the sun causes.

Below are some of the best steps to take:

  • Always wear high-level SPF protection year-round with UVA and UVB protection
  • Reapply sunscreen throughout the day
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat when in the sun
  • Avoid being in direct sunlight during the peak hours of the day (10 am-4 pm)


Also, remember that water reflects the sun, increasing the odds of sunburn. As well as this, some medications can cause sun sensitivity, meaning you should always read the label, and if you’re fair-skinned, you need to be ultra-vigilant in the sun. Preventing sun damage from occurring is always more effective than treating the damage itself.

Reducing and eliminating sun damage can be quite the process, and it takes time for the full results to appear. This is why it’s so important you try your best to prevent it from occurring.

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